Interventional Pulmonology

Interventional pulmonology care for a comprehensive health assistance

Care-Oriented Service for Every Individual

Interventional pulmonology is a relatively new vista in the field of pulmonary medicine, and the Lung Consultants serves to be a home for interventional pulmonologists in Texas. With immense expertise in this new domain, we aim to provide you with the best care and health assistance.

Pulmonary Diagnosis and Treatment

Our interventional pulmonologists are adequately trained to use every platform for our procedures. We facilitate expert service in the field of interventional pulmonology by making use of tiny cameras for precision guidance and other minimally-invasive advanced diagnostic methods to diagnose your lungs in real-time, enhancing the number of options available for pulmonary diagnosis and treatment.

Our interventional pulmonologists are adequately trained to use every platform for our procedures. We facilitate expert service in the field of interventional pulmonology by making use of tiny cameras for precision guidance and other minimally-invasive advanced diagnostic methods to diagnose your lungs in real-time, enhancing the number of options available for pulmonary diagnosis and treatment.

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Advanced Diagnostic Bronchoscopy

Our intuitive method of advanced diagnostic bronchoscopy includes mediastinal endobronchial ultrasound, peripheral endobronchial ultrasound, narrow-band imaging bronchoscopy, and electromagnetic navigation diagnostic bronchoscopy (ENB) and Robotic Assisted Bronchoscopy (RAB).

The Lung Consultants facilitate therapeutic bronchoscopy and interventional pulmonology care to you. Our state-of-the-art method includes argon plasma coagulation in tumor ablation and cauterization, balloon dilation for airway narrowing, cryotherapy for bronchial lesions, cryobiopsies to treat interstitial lung diseases. We also offer endobronchial, endobronchial valve insertion for intractable air leak, endobronchial steroid injections for treating inflammatory disease, and foreign body removal.

We are trained to do all the platforms for advanced Bronchoscopy Lung Biopsy

Robotic Bronchoscopy

Robotic bronchoscopy can enable earlier and more accurate diagnosis of lung nodules. Traditional bronchoscopy is less likely to detect nodes that are small or in hard-to-reach areas, and may delay diagnosis.

Electromagnetic Navigational Bronchoscopy

An emerging pulmonary nodule sampling method is electromagnetic navigational bronchoscopy (ENB), which uses a virtual three-dimensional image of the bronchial tree created from CT images and external magnetic fields to sample peripheral lesions not accessible with regular bronchoscopy.

A Transparent Solution for Your Pulmonary Health

At The Lung Consultants, we use different technologies and various platforms for conducting our interventional pulmonary procedures. Our experts are committed to offer the best diagnosis and treatment options to let you enjoy a high standard of care.

Illumisite™ Navigational Bronchoscopy

The Lung Consultants Implement Advanced Technology to Diagnose Lung Cancer Early

The Lung Consultants introduces a new minimally invasive option for patients through the ILLUMISITE™ Platform that may aid in diagnosis of lung lesions. We are excited to offer a new, innovative approach to localizing lung nodules for biopsy: electromagnetic navigation bronchoscopy, commonly referred to as ENB with tomosynthesis enhancements.

This minimally invasive procedure that reaches even the tiniest suspicious lung masses is made possible through the ILLUMISITE™ platform by Medtronic. We are able to sample multi-directionally for a thorough biopsy and potentially improved outcomes.

The Lung Consultants are committed to provide our community with the highest quality patient care. Lung cancer can be beatable, especially when caught early. When caught early and treated, lung cancer survival soars to 92%. ILLUMISITE™ from Medtronic enhances our ability to effectively utilize minimally invasive techniques that may aid in diagnosis and allow us the ability to make more informed decisions for treatment options.


Breathe Well with the Zephyr Endobronchial Valve System

We leverage pulmonary care using the Zephyr Endobronchial Valve system and let you breathe well by occluding your airways, feeding your hyperinflated lobe to treat severe lung conditions like emphysema. Our treatment procedure is curated to give you a personalized experience, enhancing your lung functions and making you as active as before to live a better quality of life.

The Zephyer Endobronchial Valve Treatment for Emphysema

For additional information about the technology of Zephyer Endobronchial Valve Treatment for Emphysema, download this document (Click here to download) or go to​

Page References:

1. Henschke CI, Yankelevitz DF, Libby DM, Pasmantier MW, Smith JP, Miettinen OS. Survival of patients with stage I lung cancer detected on CT screening. N Engl J Med. 2006;355(17):1763-1771.
2. Pritchett MA, Bhadra K, Mattingley JS. Electromagnetic Navigation Bronchoscopy With Tomosynthesis-based Visualization and Positional Correction: Three-dimensional Accuracy as Confirmed by Cone-Beam Computed Tomography. J Bronchology Interv Pulmonol. 2020;DOI 10.1097/LBR.0000000000000687.
3. Folch E, Khandhar S, et al. Electromagnetic navigation bronchoscopy for peripheral pulmonary lesions: one-year results of the prospective, multicenter NAVIGATE study. J Thorac Oncol. 2019; 14(3): 445-458.
4. The Zephyer Endobronchial Valve Treatment for Emphysema video is represent purpose only and belongs to Used here with permission only for better treatment understanding for visitors.

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